
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
30th September 2021
Windsurfing: The Manor-Felixstowe Wind Direction: SW Wind Stength: 20/28 Surf / Sea State: Big lumpy mess Air Temperature: 16 Sea Temperature: Weather: cloudy Max Speed: 26.16 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 18.75 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Thursday 30th September - Windsurf ** The Manor at Felixstowe –
Fin – 26.16 knot max, 24.25 knot ave ., 11.99 knot hour, 17.59 knot mile,
30.21 km., 14.90 knot alpha.
F2 282 Ride with Tushingham Thunderbird 6.5m and 5.2 with 36 fin.
F2 277 Ride with 4.75 Naish Nalu and 32 fin.
I think that this none stop wind is beginning to take its toll on my poor
old body with this being my 5th consecutive session! It was not helped by a
strong wind and with poor tides everywhere the only option being an open
sea session at Felixstowe not my favourite with the sea being mostly a
lumpy mess:( With a few going to The Manor at midday to make the most of
low water I had time to do my exercises before heading down. Not being sure
what size the others were rigging I went for 6.5 on my 115 lt. and was
first out launching into a big sea, it didn’t take long to realise I had
too much sail as a few headed out from further along the beach including
two on foils with 4m but they did not last long. I returned to the beach
after a couple of runs and rigged my 5.2, still on the 115 Ride but I now
had my 100 lt. Ride on the beach. I be honest this sail was not much better
but I had several runs out looking for a decent wave to gybe on but they
were few and far between:( also being so overpowered gybing was difficult
so I came ashore for a snack and actually rigged another sail, my very
little used Naish 4.75, this time switching to the Ride 277. This was the
best combination so far but to be honest was still overpowered in the lumpy
sea, if only we had proper waves here it would be much more fun but these
were certainly not my conditions so decided to call it a day. When I
checked on Landguard later it was not even that windy, gusting to around 28
knots, its just the horrible sea state that makes thing difficult here:(
The wind continues to blow for a few days but with rain in the mix so not
sure what to do, shame the tides are not better for some of the better
local spots:( so not sure what to do????
Photo Album Here
I was wondering if you would like to take a minute to vote for my pic in
this year’s Felixstowe Photo Competition. My picture is FFF in the
seashore section – all votes are greatly appreciated:)
Felixstowe photo competition – vote
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